Benjamin 7 anni fa
2 ha cambiato i file con 558 aggiunte e 0 eliminazioni
  1. 378 0
  2. 180 0

+ 378 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __arm__
+    #include <wiringPi.h>
+    #define LOW 0
+    #define HIGH 1
+    #define INPUT 0
+    #define OUTPUT 1
+    int wiringPiSetup(void) {return 0;}
+    void pinMode (int a, int b) {a=b;}
+    void delayMicroseconds(unsigned int a) {a=a;}
+    void digitalWrite(int a, int b) {a=b;}
+    int digitalRead(int a) {return a;}
+#include "home_easy.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+unsigned int timings[5][2] = {
+    {275, 275},  //  bit 0
+    {275, 1300}, //  bit 1
+    {275, 9900},  //  start of data
+    {275, 2675}, //  start of frame
+    {275, 2675},  //  end of data
+unsigned char homeEasyPinOut = 0;
+unsigned char homeEasyPinIn = 2;
+ * Encode bits with HomeEasy encoding (1 => 10, 0 => 01)
+ *
+ * @param frame 32-bit frame to encode
+ *
+ * @return new buffer
+ * */
+BYTE_BUFFER homeEasyEncode(unsigned long int frame)
+    BYTE_BUFFER result = createByteBuffer();
+    unsigned int i;
+    for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
+        pushWord(&result, encodeByte((frame >> ((3 - i) * 8)) & 0xff));
+    }
+    return result;
+ * Decode bits with HomeEasy encoding (1 => 10, 0 => 01)
+ *
+ * @param buffer the buffuer to decode
+ *
+ * @return new frame
+ * */
+unsigned long int homeEasyDecode(BYTE_BUFFER *buffer)
+    unsigned long int result = 0;
+    unsigned short int word;
+    unsigned char *byte = (unsigned char*)&word;
+    unsigned int i;
+    for(i=0; i<(buffer->size+1)/2; i++) {
+        byte[1] = buffer->data[2*i];
+        byte[0] = (2*i+1 < buffer->size ? buffer->data[2*i+1]:0);
+        result += (decodeByte(word)) << ((3 - i)* 8);
+    }
+    return result;
+ * Decode a byte according to HomeEasy
+ *
+ * @param byte the byte to decode
+ *
+ * @return the decoded byte
+ */
+unsigned char decodeByte(unsigned short int word)
+    unsigned char decodedChar=0;
+    int j;
+    int shift = 7;
+    for(j=0x8000;j>0; j>>=2) {
+	    decodedChar |= (((word & j) == j) ? 0x01 : 0x00) << shift;
+		shift -=1;
+    }
+    return decodedChar;
+ * Encode a byte according to HomeEasy
+ *
+ * @param byte the byte to encode
+ *
+ * @return the encoded byte
+ */
+unsigned short int encodeByte(unsigned char byte)
+    unsigned short int encodedChar=0;
+    int j;
+    int shift = 14;
+    for(j=0x80;j>0; j>>=1) {
+	      encodedChar |= (((byte & j) == j) ? 0x02 : 0x01) << shift;
+	      shift -=2;
+    }
+    return encodedChar;
+ * Create a complete command according to Chacon protocole
+ *
+ * @param id command id (refer to your remote)
+ * @param section button section ('A' | 'B'  | 'C'  | 'D'  | 'G')
+ * @param nb button number(1, 2, 3, 4)
+ * @param on boolean for on/off
+ * 
+ * @return HomeEasy frame
+ */
+unsigned long int createHomeEasyCommand(unsigned long int id, char section, unsigned char nb, unsigned char on)
+    unsigned long int command = id << 6;
+    char formatedSection = (section<='Z' ? section : section + 'A' - 'a');
+    // adding global
+    command |= (formatedSection == 'G' ? 0x20 : 0);
+    // adding on/off
+    command |= (on ? 0x10 : 0);
+    // adding section
+    command |= ((formatedSection == 'G' ? 0 : formatedSection - 'A') << 2) & 0x0c;
+    // adding num
+    command |= (formatedSection == 'G' ? 0 : nb-1) & 0x03;;
+    return command;
+ * Send n times a data frame
+ *
+ * @param frame the data to send
+ * @param repeat number of repeatition
+ */
+void sendFrame(BYTE_BUFFER frame, unsigned int repeat)
+    unsigned int i;
+    // switch to real time
+    cpuMode(REAL_TIME);
+    // send header
+    sendHomeEasyBit(START_OF_DATA);
+    sendHomeEasyBit(START_OF_FRAME);
+    // repeat the command
+    for(i=0; i<repeat; i++) {
+        sendHomeEasyBytes(frame);
+        sendHomeEasyBit(END_OF_FRAME);
+    }
+    digitalWrite(homeEasyPinOut, LOW);
+    // Exit real time mode
+    cpuMode(STANDARD);
+ * Send a complete command according to Chacon protocole
+ *
+ * @param id command id (refer to your remote)
+ * @param section button section ('A' | 'B'  | 'C'  | 'D'  | 'G')
+ * @param nb button number(1, 2, 3, 4)
+ * @param on boolean for on/off
+ * @param repeat number of repeatition
+ */
+void sendHomeEasyCommand(unsigned long int id, char section, unsigned char nb, unsigned char on, unsigned char repeat)
+    unsigned long int command;
+    BYTE_BUFFER encoded;
+    // build the command
+    command = createHomeEasyCommand(id, section, nb, on);
+    // encode the command
+    encoded = homeEasyEncode(command);
+    // send data
+    sendFrame(encoded, repeat);
+    // release the memory
+    destroyByteBuffer(encoded);
+ * retrieve the HomeEasy device ID from a frame
+ *
+ * @param buffer the buffer that hold the frame
+ *
+ * @return the device id
+ */
+unsigned long int getHomeEasyId(unsigned long int frame)
+    return frame >> 6;
+ * Get all information about the homeEasy frame
+ *
+ * @param frame the frame to read
+ * @param id the identifier to extract
+ * @param onOff boolean to extract; if true : off
+ * @param section letter section to extract
+ * @param number number to extract
+ */
+void getHomeEasyInfo(unsigned long int frame, unsigned long int* id, unsigned char* onOff, unsigned char* section, unsigned char* number)
+    unsigned char data = (unsigned char)(frame & 0x0000007f);
+    if (id) {
+        *id = getHomeEasyId(frame);
+    }
+    if (onOff) {
+        *onOff = ((data & 0x10) == 0);
+    }
+    if (section) {
+        if ((data & 0x20) == 0x20) {
+            *section = 'G';
+        } else {
+            *section = ((data & 0x0f) >> 2) + 'A';
+        }
+    }
+    if (number) {
+        if ((data & 0x20) != 0x20) {
+            *number = 1 + (data & 0x03);
+        } else {
+            *number=0;
+        }
+    }
+ * Configure the GPIO output pin
+ *
+ * @param pinNumber wiringPi pin number
+ */
+void setHomeEasyTransmittorPin(unsigned char pinNumber)
+    homeEasyPinOut = pinNumber;
+ * read the GPIO output pin
+ *
+ * @return wiringPi pin number
+ */
+unsigned char getHomeEasyTransmittorPin()
+    return homeEasyPinOut;
+ * Configure the GPIO input pin
+ *
+ * @param pinNumber wiringPi pin number
+ */
+void setHomeEasyReceptorPin(unsigned char pinNumber)
+    homeEasyPinIn = pinNumber;
+ * read the GPIO input pin
+ *
+ * @return wiringPi pin number
+ */
+unsigned char getHomeEasyReceptorPin()
+    return homeEasyPinIn;
+ * Init input/output
+ *
+ * @return status
+ */
+int initIO()
+    int status;
+    status = wiringPiSetup();
+    if (status != -1) {
+        pinMode(homeEasyPinIn, INPUT);
+        pinMode(homeEasyPinOut, OUTPUT);
+    } else {
+        printf("GPIO setup failed %d\n", status);
+    }
+    return status;
+ * Send a bit to the RF transmitter
+ *
+ * @param bit the bit to transmit (0 | 1 | TRIGGER0 | TRIGGER1 | END_OF_FRAME)
+ */
+void sendHomeEasyBit(unsigned char bit)
+    digitalWrite(homeEasyPinOut, HIGH);
+    delayMicroseconds(timings[bit][0]);
+    digitalWrite(homeEasyPinOut, LOW);
+    delayMicroseconds(timings[bit][1]);
+    digitalWrite(homeEasyPinOut, HIGH);
+ * Send a byte to the RF transmitter
+ *
+ * @param byte the byte to transmit
+ */
+void sendHomeEasyByte(unsigned char byte)
+    int i;
+    for(i=0x80;i>0; i>>=1) {
+    	sendHomeEasyBit((byte & i) == i);
+    }
+ * Send the content of a buffer to the RF transmitter
+ *
+ * @param buffer the buffer to transmit
+ */
+void sendHomeEasyBytes(BYTE_BUFFER buffer)
+    unsigned int i;
+    for(i=0; i<buffer.size; i++) {
+        sendHomeEasyByte([i]);
+    }
+ * Calculate the length of the frame
+ *
+ * @param data data to scan (each byte represent a bit)
+ * @param high length of high level
+ * @param low length of low level
+ *
+ * @return total length of the frame
+ */
+unsigned int frameSize(unsigned char* data, unsigned int* high, unsigned int* low)
+    unsigned int i=0;
+    if (high) *high = 0;
+    if (data[i] == 1) {
+        for(i=0; data[i]; i++) ;
+        if (high) *high = i;
+    }
+    for(;  !data[i]; i++) ;
+    if (low) *low = i - *high;
+    return i;
+ * Reading data from GPIO
+ *
+ * @param samples number of samples to read
+ * @param duration waiting time between samples
+ *
+ * @return buffer
+ */
+BYTE_BUFFER readData(unsigned long int samples, unsigned int duration)
+    struct timeval* start;
+    BYTE_BUFFER result;
+    unsigned long int i;
+    result = createByteBuffer();
+    result.size = samples;
+ = (char*) realloc(, samples);
+    cpuMode(REAL_TIME);
+    start = showTime(0);
+    for(i=0; i<samples; i++) {
+[i] = digitalRead(homeEasyPinIn);
+        delayMicroseconds(duration);
+    }
+    showTime(start);
+    cpuMode(STANDARD);
+    return result;

+ 180 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+#ifndef __PORTAIL_H__
+#define __PORTAIL_H__
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "buffer.h"
+#define BIT0 0
+#define BIT1 1
+#define START_OF_DATA 2
+#define START_OF_FRAME 3
+#define END_OF_FRAME 4
+#define ON 1
+#define OFF 0
+ * Encode bits with Portail encoding (1 => 10, 0 => 01)
+ *
+ * @param frame 32-bit frame to encode
+ *
+ * @return new buffer
+ * */
+BYTE_BUFFER portailEncode(unsigned long int frame);
+ * Decode bits with Portail encoding (1 => 10, 0 => 01)
+ *
+ * @param buffer the buffuer to decode
+ *
+ * @return new frame
+ * */
+unsigned long int portailDecode(BYTE_BUFFER *buffer);
+ * Encode a byte according to Portail
+ *
+ * @param byte the byte to encode
+ *
+ * @return the encoded byte
+ */
+unsigned short int encodeByte(unsigned char byte);
+ * Decode a byte according to Portail
+ *
+ * @param byte the byte to decode
+ *
+ * @return the decoded byte
+ */
+unsigned char decodeByte(unsigned short int word);
+ * Create a complete command according to Chacon protocole
+ *
+ * @param id command id (refer to your remote)
+ * @param section button section ('A' | 'B'  | 'C'  | 'D'  | 'G')
+ * @param nb button number(1, 2, 3, 4)
+ * @param on boolean for on/off
+ * 
+ * @return Portail frame
+ */
+unsigned long int createPortailCommand(unsigned long int id, char section, unsigned char nb, unsigned char on);
+ * Send a complete command according to Chacon protocole
+ *
+ * @param id command id (refer to your remote)
+ * @param section button section ('A' | 'B'  | 'C'  | 'D'  | 'G')
+ * @param nb button number(1, 2, 3, 4)
+ * @param on boolean for on/off
+ * @param repeat number of repeatition
+ */
+void sendPortailCommand(unsigned long int id, char section, unsigned char nb, unsigned char on, unsigned char repeat);
+ * Send n times a data frame
+ *
+ * @param frame the data to send
+ * @param repeat number of repeatition
+ */
+void sendFrame(BYTE_BUFFER frame, unsigned int repeat);
+ * Configure the GPIO output pin
+ *
+ * @param pinNumber wiringPi pin number
+ */
+void setPortailTransmittorPin(unsigned char pinNumber);
+ * Init input/output
+ *
+ * @return status
+ */
+int initIO();
+ * retrieve the Portail device ID from a frame
+ *
+ * @param buffer the buffer that hold the frame
+ *
+ * @return the device id
+ */
+unsigned long int getPortailId(unsigned long int frame);
+ * Get all information about the portail frame
+ *
+ * @param frame the frame to read
+ * @param id the identifier to extract
+ * @param onOff boolean to extract; if true : on
+ * @param section letter section to extract
+ * @param number number to extract
+ */
+void getPortailInfo(unsigned long int frame, unsigned long int* id, unsigned char* onOff, unsigned char* section, unsigned char* number);
+ * read the GPIO output pin
+ *
+ * @return wiringPi pin number
+ */
+unsigned char getPortailTransmittorPin();
+ * Configure the GPIO input pin
+ *
+ * @param pinNumber wiringPi pin number
+ */
+void setPortailReceptorPin(unsigned char pinNumber);
+ * read the GPIO input pin
+ *
+ * @return wiringPi pin number
+ */
+unsigned char getPortailReceptorPin();
+ * Send a bit to the RF transmitter
+ * 
+ * @param bit the bit to transmit (0 | 1 | TRIGGER0 | TRIGGER1 | END_OF_FRAME)
+ */
+void sendPortailBit(unsigned char bit);
+ * Send a byte to the RF transmitter
+ * 
+ * @param byte the byte to transmit
+ */
+void sendPortailByte(unsigned char byte);
+ * Send the content of a buffer to the RF transmitter
+ * 
+ * @param buffer the buffer to transmit
+ */
+void sendPortailBytes(BYTE_BUFFER buffer);
+ * Calculate the length of the frame
+ *
+ * @param data data to scan (each byte represent a bit)
+ * @param high length of high level
+ * @param low length of low level
+ *
+ * @return total length of the frame
+ */
+unsigned int frameSize(unsigned char* data, unsigned int* high, unsigned int* low);
+ * Reading data from GPIO
+ *
+ * @param samples number of samples to read
+ * @param duration waiting time between samples
+ *
+ * @return buffer
+ */
+BYTE_BUFFER readData(unsigned long int samples, unsigned int duration);
+ #endif