positions.py 573 B

  1. """
  2. This module defines positions for use in TEXT files.
  3. The following position constants are defined:
  4. * :const:`MIDDLE_LINE`
  5. * :const:`TOP_LINE`
  6. * :const:`BOTTOM_LINE`
  7. * :const:`FILL`
  8. * :const:`LEFT`
  9. * :const:`RIGHT`
  10. :const:`LEFT` and :const:`RIGHT` only work on Alpha 3.0 protocol signs.
  11. Conditions and exceptions for these positions are described in Section 7.10 of
  12. the Alpha Sign Communications Protocol document.
  13. """
  14. # Display positions
  15. MIDDLE_LINE = "\x20"
  16. TOP_LINE = "\x22"
  17. BOTTOM_LINE = "\x26"
  18. FILL = "\x30"
  19. LEFT = "\x31"
  20. RIGHT = "\x32"