import constants from packet import Packet class Date(object): def call_date(self, format=0): """Call date for insertion into a TEXT file. Args: format: integer from 0 to 9 0 - MM/DD/YY 1 - DD/MM/YY 2 - MM-DD-YY 3 - DD-MM-YY 4 - MM.DD.YY 5 - DD.MM.YY 6 - MM DD YY 7 - DD MM YY 8 - MMM.DD, YYYY 9 - Day of week Returns: formatted string to use in a TEXT """ if format < 0 or format > 9: format = 0 return "\x0B%s" % format def set(self, year=None, month=None, day=None): """Sets the date in the memory of the sign. This must be done each day to keep the clock 'up to date', because the sign will not automatically advance the day. If the date is not specified in the arguments, today's date will be used. Args: year (optional): two-digit year (98, 99, 00, ...) month (optional): integer month (1, 2, ..., 12) day (optional): integer day (1, ..., 31) """ today = if year is None: year = str(today.year)[2:4] if month is None: month = today.month if day is None: day = packet = self._packet("%s%s%02d%02d%02d" % (constants.WRITE_SPECIAL, ";", year, month, day)) return packet def set_day(self, day=None): """Set the day of the week on the sign. If the argument is omitted, today's day will be used. Args: day (optional): integer between 1 (Sunday) and 7 (Saturday) """ if day is None or day < 1 or day > 7: day = + 1 packet = self._packet("%s%s%s" % (constants.WRITE_SPECIAL, "&", day)) return packet