ewft.getmail.plg 2.3 KB

  1. <?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
  3. <!ENTITY name "ewft.getmail">
  4. <!ENTITY author "EWFT">
  5. <!ENTITY version "2023.11.15a">
  6. <!ENTITY launch "Settings/ewft.getmail">
  7. <!ENTITY pluginURL "https://git.ewft.org/Unraid/ewft.getmail/raw/master/ewft.getmail.plg">
  8. <!ENTITY pkgURL "https://git.ewft.org/Unraid/ewft.getmail/raw/master/build/">
  9. <!ENTITY getmailpkg "getmail-6.03-x86_64-3">
  10. <!ENTITY getmailMD5 "338b106e1dd12d994be41d6815050ba5">
  11. <!ENTITY ewftgetmailpkg "ewft.getmail-2023.11.15a">
  12. <!ENTITY ewftgetmailMD5 "a598cb23fcf5611fabd47132c61e9454">
  13. <!ENTITY pluginLoc "/boot/config/plugins/&name;">
  14. ]>
  15. <PLUGIN name="&name;" author="&author;" version="&version;" launch="&launch;" pluginURL="&pluginURL;" min="6.4.0">
  16. <CHANGES>
  17. ##&name;
  18. ###&version;
  19. ###2018.10.09
  20. - initial release
  21. ###2020.10.04
  22. - Update with getmail 6
  23. - patch for gmail
  24. ###2021.12.17
  25. - Update for python 3.9
  26. ### 2023.11.15
  27. </CHANGES>
  28. <!-- PRE-INSTALL SCRIPT -->
  29. <FILE Run="/bin/bash">
  30. <INLINE>
  31. </INLINE>
  32. </FILE>
  33. <!-- SOURCE PACKAGE -->
  34. <FILE Name="&pluginLoc;/&getmailpkg;.txz" Run="upgradepkg --install-new --reinstall">
  35. <URL>&pkgURL;&getmailpkg;.txz</URL>
  36. <MD5>&getmailMD5;</MD5>
  37. </FILE>
  38. <FILE Name="&pluginLoc;/&ewftgetmailpkg;.txz" Run="upgradepkg --install-new --reinstall">
  39. <URL>&pkgURL;&ewftgetmailpkg;.txz</URL>
  40. <MD5>&ewftgetmailMD5;</MD5>
  41. </FILE>
  42. <!-- POST-INSTALL SCRIPT -->
  43. <FILE Run="/bin/bash">
  44. <INLINE>
  45. # Create cron entry
  46. cron=/boot/config/plugins/&name;/getmail.cron
  47. if [[ ! -f $cron ]]; then
  48. echo '# GetMail' >$cron
  49. echo -e '0 * * * * /bin/su nobody -mc "getmail --getmaildir /boot/config/plugins/ewft.getmail --rcfile getmailrc --rcfile getmailrc_ewft_bnj" &amp;>/dev/null\n' >>$cron
  50. /usr/local/sbin/update_cron
  51. fi
  52. echo ""
  53. echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
  54. echo " Plugin &name; is installed."
  55. echo " Version: &version;"
  56. echo "-----------------------------------------------------------"
  57. echo ""
  58. </INLINE>
  59. </FILE>
  60. <!-- REMOVE SCRIPT -->
  61. <FILE Run="/bin/bash" Method="remove">
  62. <INLINE>
  63. # Remove plugin related files
  64. #rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/&name;
  65. # Uninstall the 'source' package
  66. removepkg &getmailpkg;
  67. removepkg &ewftgetmailpkg;
  68. # Remove cron entry
  69. #/usr/local/sbin/update_cron
  70. </INLINE>
  71. </FILE>
  72. </PLUGIN>