@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Setup page variables
+$arrayState=trim(shell_exec( "grep fsState /var/local/emhttp/var.ini | sed -n 's!fsState=\"\(.*\)\"!\\1!p'" ));
+$ver60check=trim(shell_exec( "grep version /etc/unraid-version | sed -n 's!version=\"\(.*\)\"!\\1!p'" ));
+# Sets the loader background to match the theme based on unRaid version sicne 6 has a dark theme
+$machine_type = trim(shell_exec( "uname -m" ));
+if ($machine_type == "x86_64") {
+ $loaderbgcolor = "html";
+ $prefix = "";
+ if (substr($ver60check, 0, 3) === "6.0") {
+ $prefix = "/usr/local/emhttp";
+ }
+} else {
+ $loaderbgcolor = ".Container";
+ $prefix = "/usr/local/emhttp";
+<!-- ========================================================================= -->
+<!-- Page load animation and text -->
+<!-- ========================================================================= -->
+<!-- # Add jquery library, show loader, fade out when loaded -->
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ if(typeof jQuery == 'undefined'){
+ var oScriptElem = document.createElement("script");
+ oScriptElem.type = "text/javascript";
+ oScriptElem.src = "/plugins/<?=$appname;?>/scripts/jquery.min.js";
+ document.head.insertBefore(oScriptElem, document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0])
+ }
+<div id="loading">
+ <img id="loading-image" src='/plugins/<?=$appname;?>/icons/loader.gif' alt="Loading..." />
+ <p id="loading-text">LOADING PLUGIN</p>
+<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
+ $("#loading").css("background-color",$("<?=$loaderbgcolor;?>").css("background-color"));
+ $("#loading").show();
+<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
+ $(window).load(function() {$("#loading").fadeOut("slow");});
+<!-- ========================================================================= -->
+<!-- Load current config file and check if program is installed already -->
+<!-- ========================================================================= -->
+# This will clean any ^M characters caused by windows from the config file before use
+if (file_exists("/boot/config/plugins/{$appname}/{$appname}.cfg"))
+ shell_exec("sed -i 's!\r!!g' \"/boot/config/plugins/{$appname}/{$appname}.cfg\"");
+if (file_exists("/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/{$appname}/scripts/rc.{$appname}"))
+ shell_exec("sed -i 's!\r!!g' \"/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/{$appname}/scripts/rc.{$appname}\"");
+# Check existence of files and make startfile if missing
+$app_cfg = parse_ini_file( "/boot/config/plugins/{$appname}/{$appname}.cfg" );
+$app_installed = file_exists("/{$appexecutable}" ) ? "yes" : "no";
+# =========================================================================
+## Collect local variables from config files and verify data as best as possible
+# =========================================================================
+# Set readonly status if array is offline
+if ($arrayState == "Started") {
+ $app_readonly = "";
+ $app_disabled = "";
+} else {
+ $app_readonly = 'readonly="readonly"';
+ $app_disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
+# Plugin Current Version Variable
+if (file_exists("/boot/config/plugins/{$appname}.plg")) {
+ $app_plgver = trim(shell_exec ( "grep 'ENTITY version' /boot/config/plugins/{$appname}.plg | sed -n 's!.*\s\"\(.*\)\".*!\\1!p'" ));
+ if ($app_plgver == "") {
+ $app_plgver = "Unknown plugin version";
+ }
+} else {
+ $app_plgver = "(Plugin File Missing)";
+# Service Status Variable
+if (isset($app_cfg['SERVICE']) && ($app_cfg['SERVICE'] == "enable" || $app_cfg['SERVICE'] == "disable"))
+ $app_service = $app_cfg['SERVICE'];
+ $app_service = "disable";
+# =========================================================================
+## Check is program is installed and running to get extra information
+# =========================================================================
+# Get current installed version of the program
+if ($arrayState=="Started") {
+ $app_curversion = trim(shell_exec ( "/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/{$appname}/scripts/rc.{$appname} currentversion" ));
+ if ($app_curversion == "")
+ $app_curversion = "UNKNOWN";
+if ($app_installed=="yes" && $arrayState=="Started") {
+ $app_running = trim(shell_exec( "[ -f /proc/`cat /var/run/minidlna/minidlna.pid 2> /dev/null`/exe ] && echo 'yes' || echo 'no' 2> /dev/null" ));
+ if ($app_running == "yes")
+ $app_updatestatus = "Running";
+ else
+ $app_updatestatus = "Stopped";
+echo "<script>document.getElementById('loading-text').innerHTML = \"DONE\";</script>";
+<!-- ========================================================================= -->
+<!-- Create the HTML code used to display the settings GUI -->
+<!-- ========================================================================= -->
+<script type="text/javascript">
+function openLog() {
+ var machine_type = "<?=$machine_type;?>";
+ var title="<?=$appname;?> Activity Log";
+ if (machine_type == "x86_64") {
+ <?if (substr($ver60check, 0, 3) === "6.0"):?>
+ var url="/usr/bin/tail -n 42 -f <?=$plglogfile;?>";
+ openWindow( url, title,600,900);
+ <?else:?>
+ var url="<?=$prefix;?>/plugins/<?=$appname;?>/scripts/tail_log&arg1=<?=$appname;?>.log";
+ openWindow( url, title,600,900);
+ <?endif;?>
+ } else {
+ var url="/logging.htm?title=" + title + "&cmd=/usr/bin/tail -n 42 -f <?=$plglogfile;?>&forkCmd=Start";
+ openWindow( url, title.replace(/ /g, "_"),600,900);
+ }